Justin Morrison is a dancer, teacher, and performance maker. He is based between San Diego and New York City and remains connected to the Amsterdam and European dance communities.

Notable collaborations in dance include the work of Pavel Zustiak, Sara Shelton Mann, Hope Mohr, AVYK, Leslie Seiters, Christine Bonansea, Katie Duck, the Amsterdam-based MAGPIE Music Dance Company, Wally Cardona, Diego Piñon, and others.
While living in Amsterdam Justin was a frequent guest teacher at the Amsterdam School for the Arts, SNDO: The School for New Dance Development, Rotterdam Dance Academy, and ArtEZ in Arnhem.
In 2014 Justin served as a guest Professor of Dance in the Choreography Department of K-Arts, The Korea National University of Arts (KNUA), in Seoul, South Korea.
From 2016 for 6 years Justin served as Lecturer in Dance at San Diego State University
from the Blog:
MALA FORMA: The Canceled School of Performance, a recital
Presented by Project BLANK Friday April 19th, 7:30 pm Bread & SaltPRESS RELEASE: To whom it may concern, even a little bit, On April 19th…
If you must call it something, call it Class
Beginning April 6th, and continuing until further notice, I begin a weekly session for those with a movement practice interested in being IN PROCESS. It’s not…
Zero-Trust Contact Improvisation 5-Week Contact Improv Series
The provocative subtitle for this exploration comes from an idea that often emerges in discussions of what constitutes Contact Improvisation: the notion that trust is…
(re)Introducing Contact Improvisation 5 Week Class Series #2
Thursday, December 8th at 6:30pm we will begin the second and last 5-week series offered in 2022 exploring the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Commitment Participants will be requested…
(re)Introducing Contact Improvisation 5 Week Class Series
Following the challenges that the last few years have presented, many of us find we’re starting again in many areas of our lives. With the re-introduction of…
Your support is needed
Anticipating a new work being produced for The Riverside Art Museum, please consider a small donation to offset the costs of this production. Collaborator Nicole…
New work in development with Anya Cloud
Thank you, bitch, get out of my body is a new work in collaboration with Anya Cloud set to premiere at OUTsider Fest 2022 in…
Livestream Performance with Nick Lesley, Amy Cimini, Anya Cloud
This 4 camera livestream shoot was performed in a parking lot in San Diego, as part of a live 48 hour festival in Brooklyn: SMHOAKSTOCK…
Open Studios Performance with Anya Cloud and Nick Lesley
Saturday Dec 14th, 6-9pm Performances throughout the evening and at 7 and 8pm. Space4Art340 16th St, San Diego CA 921016-9pmFREE Dance by Justin Morrison and…
LA Performance Practice Nov 19 with Anya and Justin
CASUAL Tuesday November 19, 2019 // 7:30p Los Angeles Performance Practice Hosted by Marike Splint Featuring work from DaEun Jung, Serena Caffrey, Anya Cloud and…
RaRa Noche Tijuana Nov 14 with Anya Cloud
7pm showtime at La Caja Fuerte FREE GRATIS
MALA FORMA May 17 – Rosarito MX
MALA FORMA will perform at CAERT Rosarito following a workshop by Katie Duck in her Freakatoni Witchy Weekends program. During the week long workshop (link:…
MALA FORMA: Danza Repentina @ La Caja Fuerte Sat Sept 22nd
Dance by Mellissa Cisneros, Anya Cloud, Nic Casado, Viktor De La Fuente, Justin Morrison, Veronica Santiago As a part of HAPPENING 2018, Tijuana: a day…
After Nauman, Sunday April 29th 7pm
SPACETIME PRESENTS After Nauman A performance installation in 3 acts Directed by Justin Morrison with films by BRUCE NAUMAN SUN APRIL 29th 7:00pm-9:30pm @SANDBOX 325…
WEAPON excerpt, OUTsider Fest 2017
dance: Justin Morrison (inspired by Trisha Brown) music: Midori Takada Performed Feb 2017, OUTsider Fest, Austin
WEAPON at OUTsider Fest 2017, Austin
photography by Yvonne M. Portra OUTsider Fest 2017 presents: WEAPON Friday, 2/17, 8:30pm The Vortex Theater 2307 Manor Road Austin, Texas 78722 Individual tickets are…
Dance Performance Festivals
From ContemporaryPerforamnce: Venues Alkantara Festival (Portugal) Baltic Circle Festival (Helsinki, Finland) Belluard Bollwerk International (Fribourg, Switzerland) Bergen International Festival (Bergen, Norway) Costa Contemporánea (Parque Natural…
Custodians of Beauty, PS122 COIL Festival, NYC
Video Trailer Jan 5 – 8pm Jan 6 – 5pm Jan 7 – 5:30pm Jan 8 – 2pm 85 minutes at La MaMa, The Downstairs…
Custodians of Beauty at The Walker Art Center
October 20 – 22 Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN 8pm McGuire Theater Tickets & Info
moreUNICORN with Leslie Seiters, Saturday June 25th
Created and performed by: Anya Cloud, Eric Geiger, Jess Humphrey, Justin Morrison, Leslie Seiters Directed by Leslie Seiters June 25th 4pm, 7pm Triskelion Arts Muriel…
Custodians of Beauty, with Palissimo Co.
World premiere: American Dance Institute, November 20-21, 2015
NYC Premiere: New York Live Arts, December 2-5, 2015
Instant Music Day @ MLK Church, Amsterdam
with dancers Miri Lee & Justin Morrison Music: Alfredo Genovesi (guitar), Marcos Baggiani (drums), Joost Buis (trombone) Location: Dintelstraat 134, Amsterdam Cost: 5-10 euro by…
Orgelpark Performance, August 28
Update: Video Trio with Miri Lee and Manuela Tessi Quintet finale The Orgelpark performance workshop project has been held in the Orgelpark church organ concert hall…
Artist talk, Festival B:om, Seoul
Friday, July 11th 2014 18:00 (6pm) Seoul ArtSpace Seogyo (near Hong-University) Discussion about the intersection of daily life, politics and art practice, with Taerim Hong,…
FLOATERS #3, Dock 11 Berlin, July 25-27
July 25 – 27 20:30 (8pm) Dock 11, Berlin Direction: Christine Bonasea Dance: Justin Morrison with Sherwood Chen and Raoul Germano