If you must call it something, call it Class

Last updated on April 27, 2024

Beginning April 6th, and continuing until further notice, I begin a weekly session for those with a movement practice interested in being IN PROCESS.

It’s not a class.

But if you must…

CALL IT CLASS: a drop-in laboratory for contact (but not only), movement, improvisation, and dance technique. Professional dance experience is not required but the session will be limited to those who’ve studied with me previously or have RSVP’d and received my blessing and approval. Not to be grandiose, but since this session will be structured in a way that, unless I feel like it, utterly fail to adhere to a standard class format, I want to be sure everyone who attends is up for the fun and possible intensity of attention expected.

This “class” will serve as a link between my 5-Week Series offerings, providing continuity for a regular Thursday dance session, and will allow some flexibility and incubation time between those longer commitments of study.

If you’re interested in this misadventure, let me know in an obvious way.

RSVP is required.

Email me with Questions