Performing detritus from WEAPON (among other things) with Christraper Sings. Also on the bill: Phatima Rude, Grace Towers, and Miss Rahni Link for details Update
Category: Blog
By Irene Hsiao (SF Weekly) Published Mon., Jun. 10 2013 at 12:49 PM [Excerpted] In Pageantry, June 7-9 at CounterPULSE, Liz Tenuto and Justin Morrison presented two…
‘Pageantry’ and the premier of WEAPON opens Friday-Sunday Details here: WEAPON We were picked by the SF Bay Guardian: Addressing the unspeakable by Robert Avila… -by Robert Avila Morrison, a graceful and intelligent force on stage, has been a member of Hope Mohr Dance Company, and continues to work…
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2013: 7:30 PM Center for New Music, 55 Taylor St. (at Market) Three local and international groups of electro-acoustic and noise musicians…
Go here for complete event details. Excerpts from our San Francisco performances, April 2013: Friday, April 5th Saturday, April 6th
Katie Duck workshop Livestream: I’ve updated the workshop post with the archive of our YouTube livestream of the entire workshop. Stay tuned for more produced…
UPDATE: Go here for video excerpts of the performances.
Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi/MAGPIE (Amsterdam) with Justin Morrison
‘CRIMES & CASUALTIES’ > Performances
Friday & Saturday, April 5 & 6 at 8:30pm
KUNST-STOFF arts – 1 Grove Street, San Francisco CA 94102
$15 (no-one turned away for lack of funds)
Reservations at or 415.777.0172
This happened Saturday, March 31st at Noisebridge hacker space.
Transcribed by Justin from Monique: By way of a quick introduction, [Tere and I] met through a program called CHIME, which stands for CHoreographers…
Final 3 minutes from a 20 minute set at Oakland Nights, hosted by The SudoRoom, an East Bay hackerspace. Be sure to check us out…
Performances & Improvisation Workshop with Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi along with the complete webcast recordings from all 5 days.
I’ve created a page with video from our weekly practice sessions VIDEO: SF Music Dance Practice Group Initiated in December 2012, a weekly practice group…
I found my old hard drive and this archive of material, including the wonderfully designed posters for Magpie Music Dance Company initiated by Katie Duck…