April 5 & 6 CRIMES & CASUALTIES with Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi

Last updated on February 11, 2022

UPDATE: Go here for video excerpts of the performances.

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Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi/MAGPIE (Amsterdam) with Justin Morrison
‘CRIMES & CASUALTIES’ > Performances
Friday & Saturday, April 5 & 6 at 8:30pm
KUNST-STOFF arts – 1 Grove Street, San Francisco CA 94102

$15 (no-one turned away for lack of funds)
Reservations at info@kunst-stoff.org or 415.777.0172


Performances by Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi (MAGPIE), Justin Morrison
with guests Krista Martynes & Christopher Mika

An ongoing and evolving improvisation investigation into motive and consequence, ‘CRIME & CASUALTIES’ is a theme created by Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi for their duet and group performance events. The events are ironically based on crimes chosen in order to highlight the criminal behavior today that allows for rank mercantile opportunism and the damages that result. The performers maintain a spontaneous compositional approach, allowing for the crimes and casualties to show themselves as the event unfolds. The work is music/performance/movement. The performers also use text and vocals, invoking humor, danger and risk with a range of tone, from vulnerable to violent, with each other and the public.

“Improvisation in a MAGPIE performance is not the antithesis of choreography or composition; it is how the choreography and composition is made, out of practice both in the studio and the newness of real time improvised performance. A MAGPIE performance is about the experience of being there, you are participating in the event and, in a sense, the work.”


Katie Duck has been investigating theater, dance and music with live performance for over 30 years. Presently, Katie holds a yearly five-week improvisation summer course and the collective workshop, orgelpark, in Amsterdam with Alfredo Genovesi for dancers, performers and musicians. She is contracted with the AHK theater school in Amsterdam for the SNDO choreography department and for the Modern Dance department. In 1995, she spearheaded MAGPIE, the multi-disciplinary improvisation sensation in Amsterdam, expanding it to an umbrella organization in 2006, and re-launching its touring aspect with Alfredo Genovesi in 2011. They tour Europe, Britain, Asia, the USA and many other locations in the world with their workshop, performances and rehearsals toward projects. Katie’s career has included independent teaching, university teaching, set choreographies, structured improvisations, music and dance real-time performances, collaborations with visual artists, light designers. actors and comedians, initiating festivals and monthly series, leading dance companies and dance/music companies, advising young artists, and writing text for performances and articles. She has consistently changed through out the years with a determination to continue her research in theater, music, dance, text and performance via social studies, cultural studies, gender studies and brain studies. www.katieduck.com

Alfredo Genovesi is a free improvisational electronic guitarist. Using an artillery of pedal effects, electronics, found objects, external sound sources and shifting guitar tunings, he constructs a multi-layered and complex sound world. Beyond his solo performance, his versatility as a sonic improviser has led to collaborations with theatre, dance, television, film, animation, performance art and educational workshops. In Spring 07, Genovesi relocated from London to Amsterdam and is now an integral and respected contributor to the free improvisation and music/dance scenes.


Katie Duck & Alfredo Genovesi/MAGPIE are presented by [VASE] Visiting Artist Series, a program of [ABC] Arts Building Consortium, and sponsored by ALTERNATIVA. [VASE] introduces or deepens relationships with renowned visiting artists in contemporary dance, performance and related forms by offering workshops, interviews, video/lectures and performances. [ABC] is an artist-run, artist-oriented platform committed to shared resources, intentional curation and creative connectivity. [ABC] and [VASE] help to ensure that San Francisco continues to grow as a provocative and productive hub for contemporary artistic expression and discourse. Instigated by THEOFFCENTER, ALTERNATIVA and KUNST-STOFF, [ABC] is in residence at KUNST-STOFF arts. www.artsbuildingconsortium.org

ALTERNATIVA, directed by Kathleen Hermesdorf with Albert Mathias in San Francisco, is an apparatus for deeply integrated contemporary dance and music via collaboration, improvisation, curation, creation and performance. The organization produces the creative work of the directors as well as acting as an umbrella for Alternative Conservatory, facilitated by Hermesdorf, and AM Audio/Media, established by Mathias. ALTERNATIVA is in residence at KUNST-STOFF arts and a member of [ABC] Arts Building Consortium. www.la-alternativa.us