Category: Video

Video & Videography by Justin Morrison

As a freelance Videographer, Justin has produced programming for many arts orgs and non-profits including The Old Globe, The Museum of Photographic Art, Space4Art, San Diego State University, and the Chefs de Cuisine. A small selection of video works is included below:

December 2, 2012

An antidote to a gloomy day:

July 23, 2012
September 11, 2009
October 16, 2008
October 14, 2008
November 27, 2007
November 3, 2007

Gabriel and I collaborated in making a piece where images were streamed from various locations (he in Washington, me outside the venue in California), working…

August 27, 2007

VIDEO: Katie Duck, Bach Suites Holland Festival 2004 Excerpt from Six Suites, J.S. Bach

August 27, 2007

VIDEO: Trio A (1978) – The Mind is a Muscle Part Iby Yvonne Rainer, film by Babette Mangolte

December 6, 2006

Something about today required another look at our contribution to the Numa Numa craze (see YouTube). Makiko, Katie, Vincent and I made this on a…

September 25, 2006

This is a short experimental film, “Emerging”, by Colleen Teresa Bartley, presently living and working in London. It was shot in Brighton as part of…

September 25, 2006
April 23, 2006
April 19, 2006

Recently I took over for Vincent Cacialano‘s movement analysis class in the Modern Theater Department at the AHK Theaterschool, Amsterdam. As an assignment the students…