Month: September 2007

September 22, 2007

Leslie Seiters, a brilliant teacher, dancer, choreographer, friend and collaborator, newly based in San Diego after relocating from SF, has a fresh site up featuring…

September 21, 2007
September 19, 2007

Toward the end of the residency, photos were pooled and each person left with several hundred images representing our time together. A Trio An Affair…

September 18, 2007

David Michalek’s Slow Dancing will be on exhibit Sept 17th-26th at the Los Angeles Music Center. Thx Amanda for the tip.

September 12, 2007

Staying with Christian near Union Sq. after visiting with Amanda and Tucker in their new Brooklyn studio. Already wishing I had more time here. Stay…

September 9, 2007

Yesterday was our showing here on the grounds, where a sudden rain and thunderstorm forced us to scrap plans to perform outside in the fields.…

September 2, 2007

There is an absence of text and explanation on this blog for the last week of exploration. I hope to make up for it in…