OutSider 2022

Please find below application materials for Justin Morrison & Anya Cloud, for consideration at the 2022 edition of OUTsider Fest, Austin.

Title: Thank you, bitch, get out of my body

Duration: 30-60 minutes (can be adapted for length)

This is an evening length duet that can be performed in any setting. It has no specific technical requirements but can utilize a sound system and any practical lighting.

We dance together because we need to. This is a hemispheric fugue. Within it we find ourselves in configurations to confront and engage various statures and states of precarity and necessity — We ask, who is dominant and who is in repose? Sometimes one of us will wear the other like a pelt. We’re engaged in an impossible task. We deal with support and decay, mashed between two and three and four dimensions, split between persons, above and below, over and under, before and behind, wrapped in the unruly matter of the other. Is what we’re in legible or whatever is the opposite of legible? Our dancing wicks into space…

Videos included: two iterations of this work in process are shown in two different settings.


Justin & Anya at Barrio Logan San Diego
Justin & Anya at La Caja Fuerte, Tijuana MX
Justin Morrison & Anya Cloud at La Caja Fuerte, Tijuana Mexico
